• Question: what is the best experiment that you have done

    Asked by anon-380714 on 21 Jan 2024.
    • Photo: Carl Peter Robinson

      Carl Peter Robinson answered on 21 Jan 2024:

      As part of my PhD research, I performed an experiment that tried to predict the movement of human fingers when someone made a gesture with their hand (using a process called regression). In order to do this, I wanted to gather my own data, using low-cost wearable sensors. So I created a set of tests whereby volunteers for my experiment would make certain hand gestures and I captured the electrical signals made by their forearm muscles as they made these gestures. It was really good fun, creating the experiment, writing software to do the data acquisition of the muscle signals, interacting with the volunteers while they performed each test, and then analysing and processing the data once I had recorded it all.
