• Question: will ai be able to create fully finished websites

    Asked by HumayalR on 25 Jan 2024.
    • Photo: Andrew Maynard

      Andrew Maynard answered on 25 Jan 2024:

      AI is already pretty good at creating the code for a website, so there’s no reason why it couldn’t do this now — but it would need humans to provide the content. That said, it would be interesting to ask an AI to design a website that reflected itself and its own ideas.

    • Photo: Carl Peter Robinson

      Carl Peter Robinson answered on 25 Jan 2024:

      AI chatbots like ChatGPT can already give you pretty reasonable code for creating a website. You might need a human to prompt the AI along the way a little, to get what you want, but the while web development process has sped up due to the advent of these AI code assistants. I think you could ask an AI tool to create a website about a subject (e.g., breeds of dog) and it will do an okay job at adding information and images about dogs Whether it is coherent and engaging enough for human beings to find it interesting and useful is another matter.
