• Question: What is done with all the information that is being fed into AI through ChatGPT for example ?

    Asked by anon-377260 on 10 Jan 2024.
    • Photo: Andrew Maynard

      Andrew Maynard answered on 10 Jan 2024:

      It’s being used to train or teach the AI to respond to questions as if it was a human — the training is the important part of this process.

    • Photo: Verna Dankers

      Verna Dankers answered on 10 Jan 2024:

      It’s used for training, indeed! That is done by providing information, taking the response from the AI, and updating the AI such that next time, the response is closer to the answer we would expect. Large language models such as ChatGPT are often trained to predict the next word(s) in a sentence, such as “My parents go to the baker to buy the XXX”. Can you guess the next word? By doing that for lots and lots and lots of text, ChatGPT has become really good at mimicking how humans would respond.

    • Photo: Mohan Sridharan

      Mohan Sridharan answered on 11 Jan 2024:

      If you are asking about how the data is used by systems such as ChatGPT, the answer is that the data helps train the system to make better predictions about words that follow any given sequence of words.

      You could, however, also ask the interesting question about the safety and security of the data being collected, stored, and processed to train these systems. This is one of the concerns with the development of such “data-driven” systems.

    • Photo: Muhammad Malik

      Muhammad Malik answered on 11 Jan 2024:

      It helps the GPT to get better at answering questions and providing useful information/responses…..
