• Question: how will ai get human like bodies to take over the world and why do you think it would take over the world?

    Asked by anon-380828 on 17 Jan 2024.
    • Photo: Rosemary J Thomas

      Rosemary J Thomas answered on 17 Jan 2024:

      This is a dark side question. AI does not have human-like bodies, but some people are trying to make robots that look and act like humans. These robots are called humanoid robots, and they can do some things that humans can do, like walking, talking, or dancing.

      But AI does not want to take over the world, and it does not have a reason to do so. AI is not like humans, it does not have feelings, emotions, or goals. AI only does what it is programmed to do by humans, or what it learns from data.

      So, AI is not going to take over the world, unless humans make it do so. Humans are still in charge of AI, and they can decide how to use it, how to control it, and how to make it safe and fair for everyone. AI can be very helpful and useful for humans, if we use it wisely and responsibly. AI can also be very fun and creative, if we play with it and learn from it.

    • Photo: Andrew Maynard

      Andrew Maynard answered on 18 Jan 2024:

      well … a number of companies are now making human-like robots that they plan to put AI into. But I don’t think AI will take over the world (at least not like in movies like The Terminator or I Robot), simply because it won’t be human and so won’t be as power hungry and foolish as most humans.

    • Photo: Luke Humphrey

      Luke Humphrey answered on 18 Jan 2024: last edited 18 Jan 2024 11:25 am

      That’s a leading question! 😆

      I don’t think AI will take over the world because AI tools tend to be very specific in application and are limited by computer hardware. I also don’t underestimate the human brain, we are unlikely to develop AI tools capable of anything close to what nature has achieved via evolution and biochemistry. 🧠

      (edit: to be clear, AI tools can exceed human capacity in specific tasks, but in terms of generalisation and adaptability, human brains are better)

      However, AI are already “taking over the world” in that AI tools are being used in more aspects of life. However, that’s only really taking over the world in the same way that chairs have taken over the world. 🪑

    • Photo: Carl Peter Robinson

      Carl Peter Robinson answered on 26 Jan 2024:

      Taking over the world is a very human concept, tinged with megalomania and greed. You can’t think of AI in the same way, certainly not the current or even near-future types of AI. What we have are AI tools and systems and they perform the tasks we develop them for. They don’t reason or have ambitions, feelings, and emotions like we humans do. So don’t worry, an AI system isn’t going to take over the world.

      As for wanting a human body. IF such an AI system came to be, it likely wouldn’t want a human body to achieve its goal. That would seem like devolution in its “eyes”. It would be far more effective as something ethereal, intangible, not constricted by the limits of the human form. If anything, there is a belief by some that it is actually we humans who might evolve into an existence that doesn’t require a physical body, you could say a bit like a computer program or AI model!
