• Question: how many hours do you work in day?

    Asked by anon-379506 on 8 Jan 2024.
    • Photo: Andrew Maynard

      Andrew Maynard answered on 8 Jan 2024:

      It really varies as I’m largely master of my own time and I love what I do as a university professor. But it’s probably between 8 – 12 hours a day on average

    • Photo: Carl Peter Robinson

      Carl Peter Robinson answered on 8 Jan 2024:

      I work around 7.5 to 8 hours a day. Of course, that can change when a deadline is approaching and I have to put in some extra time if required, to finish a project. I’m contracted to work 37.5 hours a week, which is pretty standard. My partner works 39 hours a week as a technology test engineer, so it can vary from company to company.

    • Photo: Muhammad Malik

      Muhammad Malik answered on 9 Jan 2024:

      Well, I generally work for about 7-8 hours a day. However, during busy periods like deadlines or lectures, presentations, I may need to put in soem extra hours.

    • Photo: Mohan Sridharan

      Mohan Sridharan answered on 9 Jan 2024:

      The number of hours I work in a day can vary. As an academic, I have some flexibility in the kind of tasks I choose to pursue. At the same time, I am passionate about my research and working with students (and other collaborators). On average, I probably work between 8-12 hours a day but it can be higher when we get close to specific deadlines!

    • Photo: Gareth Hartwell

      Gareth Hartwell answered on 9 Jan 2024:

      Usually from about 8:30 till about 6. But it varies, especially when I need to travel. (I work in an office 2 days a week but frequently travel to visit customers and suppliers.) Sometimes I work late in the evenings or at weekends too but I try to avoid this unless absolutely necessary so I can spend time with my family.

    • Photo: Rosemary J Thomas

      Rosemary J Thomas answered on 9 Jan 2024:

      I work an average of 7.5 hours a day. It is flexible if I want to work longer or shorter in the week to make my contracted hours of 37.5 a week. I work in a small team called AI Labs.

    • Photo: Sheridan Williams

      Sheridan Williams answered on 9 Jan 2024:

      I am retired so I work as much or little as I want!
      When I worked I did 37.5 hours a week when I was a scientists at the Ministry of Defence.
      17 hours a week teaching when I was a Senior Lecturer plus time preparing lectures, a total of about 35 hours.
      When I ran my own company the hours were not defined but I worked on average (including work at home) 50 hours per week.

    • Photo: Fraser Smith

      Fraser Smith answered on 9 Jan 2024:

      around 7-8 hours a day.

    • Photo: Beatriz Costa Gomes

      Beatriz Costa Gomes answered on 9 Jan 2024:

      I am an academic so I have some flexibility but I always work at least 7-8h a day!

    • Photo: Luke Humphrey

      Luke Humphrey answered on 9 Jan 2024:

      I’m contracted to work 7.5 hours a day five days a week = 37.5 hours a week. In practice, I work quite flexibly so a little more some days and a little less other days.

    • Photo: Alexander Coles

      Alexander Coles answered on 9 Jan 2024:

      Roughly 8. But I can get distracted working from home. Really if all my work gets done to a high standard then my supervisors don’t mind.

    • Photo: Vian Bakir

      Vian Bakir answered on 9 Jan 2024:

      Between 5 to 12 hours. It depends how involved the task is that I’m dealing with that day.

    • Photo: Mackenzie Jorgensen

      Mackenzie Jorgensen answered on 9 Jan 2024:

      I usually work between 6-8 hours and I end up making up for shorter days when I have longer ones like for paper deadlines. I find it all evens out in the end.

    • Photo: Kevin Tsang

      Kevin Tsang answered on 10 Jan 2024:

      Like many other academics here, I typically work 7.5 hours a day, but some days can be longer or shorter depending on workload and deadlines.
