• Question: what is your favorite ai invention

    Asked by anon-379369 on 19 Jan 2024.
    • Photo: Demetris Soukeras

      Demetris Soukeras answered on 19 Jan 2024:

      It has to be “Deep Blue”.

      Deep blue was a chess playing machine that beat the world chess champion ( Garry Kasparov ) at chess. A sign that artificial intelligence was catching up to human intelligence, and could defeat one of humanity’s great intellectual champions!

      I love chess and I think this was the first story I heard of a real thinking machine. People were terrified that this heralded the end of chess as a sport. Currentely a chess playing bot running on your phone is able beat even the best human players easily, but people still play chess and its more popular than ever.

    • Photo: Kevin Tsang

      Kevin Tsang answered on 19 Jan 2024:

      One AI that fueled my interest in this technology is AlphaStar, an AI which learnt to play the video game Starcraft 2, which I played for many many hours and still play. The game is a real-time strategy game, where quick decisions need to be made and executed. AlphaStar embodied a robot’s ability to take in incomplete information like a human, click buttons 100 times faster than humans, and make weird and wonderful decisions that no human would come up with, yet is very effective.

      In my daily work, two particular AIs which I consider some of my favourite co-workers are Google Bard AI and Github Copilot.

    • Photo: Carl Peter Robinson

      Carl Peter Robinson answered on 21 Jan 2024:

      I still find the Deep Q-Learning network that DeepMind created to play classic Atari video games really compelling. I know the Breakout game is reeeaaally old (!), but it’s the fact that the algorithm figured out the best way to achieve a maximum reward was to create a gap in the side of the wall, to then push the ball through behind the wall, which then did most of the work without much more involvement from the “player” (the AI). Here’s a link to a news item about this research, when it came out about nine years ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CS296EM2q1A
