• Question: Do you believe that AI can change the health care system, for the better?

    Asked by anon-380890 on 17 Jan 2024. This question was also asked by anon-380914.
    • Photo: Rosemary J Thomas

      Rosemary J Thomas answered on 17 Jan 2024:

      Yes, I believe that AI can change the healthcare system for the better. AI can help doctors and nurses to diagnose diseases, find the best treatments, and take care of patients. AI can also help people to stay healthy, prevent illnesses, and live longer. AI can make health care more accessible, affordable, and fair for everyone.

      AI is already being used in many ways to improve health care, such as:

      – AI can help doctors to find cancer cells in images, and suggest the best way to remove them. They can also help in operations/surgeries.
      – AI can help nurses to monitor patients’ vital signs and alert them if something is wrong.
      – AI can help patients to book appointments, get reminders, and access their medical records.
      – AI can help researchers to discover new drugs, vaccines, and therapies.

    • Photo: Kevin Tsang

      Kevin Tsang answered on 19 Jan 2024:

      Yes, I think AI tools can help us provide more personalised and targeted medicines and treatments that work for individual patients. Also, once we can reliably pass on certain tasks (like monitoring or making informative and accurate doctor notes) to AI, it can free up lots of extra time for humans to care for each other with less time pressure.

      However, to get to such a future, change is not free and without resistance. For example, to allow AI systems to assist with data processing, we may need to radically change some working practices, which may upset many people and cost lots of money to implement.

    • Photo: Carl Peter Robinson

      Carl Peter Robinson answered on 23 Jan 2024:

      Yes! Without a doubt. AI tools and systems can be utilised in many areas of the healthcare system. They can be used to help with diagnoses, looking for potential signals of illness or disease given patient data such as images of a patient’s lungs or a recording of their heart beat. AI systems have aleady proven very capable of detecting some types of cancer when given patient CT scans (https://www.theguardian.com/society/2023/apr/30/artificial-intelligence-tool-identify-cancer-ai).

      Another way AI systems can provide benefit is by helping doctors with their paperwork, as stated by the legendary Bill Gates in a recent interview (https://edition.cnn.com/2024/01/16/tech/bill-gates-ai-gps-interview/). The less time a doctor has to spend on paperwork, the more patients they can see, or the better quality care they can provide to specific patients (https://uk.pcmag.com/ai/147949/no-more-paperwork-amazon-ai-tool-transcribes-patient-visits-for-doctors).

      There are many other ways AI systems can benefit the health service, including, but certainly not limited to: new drug discovery, automatic medication delivery services (using robots), and assistive surgery.

      What would you like to see AI be used for, to help the healthcare system?
