• Question: what GCSE's did you pick

    Asked by anon-380813 on 18 Jan 2024.
    • Photo: Andrew Maynard

      Andrew Maynard answered on 18 Jan 2024: last edited 18 Jan 2024 12:59 am

      I’m old enough to have done “O” levels — I did Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, English Literature, English Language, French, and RE. I failed French!

    • Photo: Alexander Coles

      Alexander Coles answered on 18 Jan 2024:

      For GCSEs I did Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Maths, English Literature and Language, History, French, German, IT and Engineering.

      For A levels I did Physics, Biology, and Maths

      And for my undergraduate degree, I did Physics and Astronomy.

      Now I work with AI researching cancer. The great thing about studying a numerical science like Physics, Chemistry or Maths is that the skills you learn are highly transferable to many careers.

    • Photo: Demetris Soukeras

      Demetris Soukeras answered on 18 Jan 2024:

      At my school there were some I had to take:
      English Literature, English Language, RE, Maths, triple science and German

      But the ones I got to choose were:
      History, Classics, Technology (art) and Sports science

      I miss some of the subjects that I left behind like history and classics but am very happy with the path science has taken me.

    • Photo: Kevin Tsang

      Kevin Tsang answered on 19 Jan 2024:

      For my GCSE’s I picked Geography, Art, Music, and Further Maths

      It was compulsory to take Maths, English Literature, English Language, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Religious Studies.

      I didn’t take Computer Science or IT at GCSE or A levels, but learnt the skills during my university years and now I lecture in coding and programming.

    • Photo: Carl Peter Robinson

      Carl Peter Robinson answered on 22 Jan 2024:

      I chose a variety of modules including computer studies, history, physical education, German, and drama, to go with the compulsory subjects of maths, English Langauge and English Literature and Science. That didn’t really decide what job I was going to do though. It was more that these were the subjects I felt confident I could do well in and also enjoyed doing, mostly.
