• Question: What GCSES do need to take to get your job.

    Asked by anon-379414 on 18 Jan 2024.
    • Photo: Andrew Maynard

      Andrew Maynard answered on 18 Jan 2024:

      Well, I needed a PhD to do my job, and that needed A levels in science, and those needed GCSEs in science and math

    • Photo: Carl Peter Robinson

      Carl Peter Robinson answered on 18 Jan 2024: last edited 28 Jan 2024 8:09 pm

      I chose a variety of modules including computer studies, history, physical education, German, and drama, to go with the compulsory subjects of maths, English Language and English Literature and Science. That didn’t really decide what job I was going to do though.

      It’s important to realise that GCSEs are the first stepping stone to further education (e.g., A-levels) and higher education (e.g., a degree) and companies often look for that higher level of education for quite a few types of job. I went back to university when I was older and got a PhD, which definitely helped secure me my current job, but it isn’t a requirement to work here. We have a mix of degree-level, masters-level and PhD-level employees in our department. We even take on apprentices, at age 18 I believe, and bring them up with several years of on-the-job training, with the option of doing a degree at university on a part-time basis.

    • Photo: Sheridan Williams

      Sheridan Williams answered on 19 Jan 2024:

      I took science-based qualifications, however I did get an A grade (the best) in English Literature.

    • Photo: Kevin Tsang

      Kevin Tsang answered on 19 Jan 2024:

      Learning is a journey, and the path isn’t always clear when you are walking along it.

      My job involves teaching programming and data science, which involves lots of computers. It might be surprising to know that I didn’t take Computer Science or IT for my GCSE or A Levels, but this allows me to approach the topic from a different angle, like maths. I was able to do this because I enjoy what I do, and that motivation allows me to learn the things I need to know.

      My job requires a PhD, which I obtained after completing my GCSEs, A levels, Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree, then PhD studies. However, the topics and focus can change between each step. Although I stayed within the STEM fields, I know many people who have made larger leaps between subject areas.
