• Question: Can AI make cheats for example for games?

    Asked by anon-380924 on 17 Jan 2024.
    • Photo: Rosemary J Thomas

      Rosemary J Thomas answered on 17 Jan 2024:

      Cheats were there even before AI was there. AI can make cheats for some games, but not all of them. Some cheats are made by AI using computer vision, which is a way of making machines see and understand what is on the screen. Other cheats are made by AI using machine learning, which is a way of making machines learn from data and improve over time. But some games are very hard to cheat, because they have anti-cheat systems that detect and stop AI cheats. You can even get banned and your account blacklisted, eg: Steam. It is always better to play games without cheating.

    • Photo: Kevin Tsang

      Kevin Tsang answered on 19 Jan 2024:

      Most cheats are computer programs made with coding; like other coding tasks like creating a website or writing prediction algorithms, AIs can support your coding. If you count “botting” as cheats, AIs can play games better than humans, with more accuracy and endurance. Codebullet’s Youtube channel has many such videos.

      Although writing code to beat certain games can be fun, if the other players don’t know
      they are playing versus a bot, I think cheating other people’s hard work and enjoyment is crummy.
