• Question: if you were to have helped any famous scientist (dead or alive) with an experiment that changed the world as we know it , who would you help?

    Asked by anon-382312 on 1 Jan 2024.
    • Photo: Carl Peter Robinson

      Carl Peter Robinson answered on 1 Feb 2024:

      I’d have to say working with Alan Turing would have been a tremendous honour, if I’d have been able to keep up with his capabilities. Working on the Enigma problem during the second world war, while somewhat alarming, I think would have been something incredible to be part of.

      Additionally, working at Xerox PARC in America, in the mid 1970s to early 1980s, would have been a dream. These researchers, scientists, and engineers got to go to work and invent the future of computing. It’s from them that your computer mouse that you might be using now, was invented, along with many other aspects of computing that have evolved into the technology we take for granted today.
